
Human Artificial Intelligence: Brunello Cucinelli’s new website unveiled

Human Artificial Intelligence: Brunello Cucinelli’s new website unveiled illustration 1
Human Artificial Intelligence: Brunello Cucinelli’s new website unveiled illustration 2
Human Artificial Intelligence: Brunello Cucinelli’s new website unveiled illustration 3

大新闻 - 7/16/24

This morning, Brunello Cucinelli’s new website, based on artificial intelligence and the fruit of a harmonious blend between Humanism and Technology, was unveiled to the press at the Teatro Piccolo in Milan.

The innovative web project, based on the Solomei AI platform and resulting from the union of what human creativity can imagine and the great potential that artificial intelligence can offer, was present- ed by Umbrian fashion designer Brunello Cucinelli himself, together with his close friend, architect Massimo de Vico Fallani, and Francesco Bottigliero, Chief of Humanistic Technology at the Solomeo Fashion House.

In the presence of a large audience of distinguished members of the press from Italy and around the world, as well as several entrepreneur friends, Brunello Cucinelli emphasized that the underlying aim of the project was to engage with a technology capable of bringing out the best qualities of both Artificial and Human Intelligence. This led to the idea of using AI to innovate the way websites are designed and built. The new website does away with the concept of pages and menus and hosts content that flows and combines freely in front of the visitor. The Solomei AI platform, built to make this new generation of websites possible, originated from the project.

BrunelloCucinelli.AI endeavours to portray an expression of Human Artificial Intelligence whose intent is to harmoniously link the future that awaits us to our amiable past. The title that was chosen for the event focused precisely on this fortunate combination of human component and technological knowledge: Human and Artificial Intelligence join together and from their union comes the invention of our new website.

Brunello Cucinelli commented: “We have been working on this project for almost three years, with a dedicated group of researchers from the fields of mathematics, engineering, art and philosophy. Our hope is that it will harmoniously combine human and artificial intelligence, striking the balance between the ingenuity of the human being and the best of AI. As early as May 2019, we laid the foundations for a shared reflection on the topic with the world’s leading AI experts thanks to the ‘First Symposium on the Soul and Economics of Solomeo’. Last May, we held the second edition of the Symposium, whose high- light was the Honorary Doctorate in Human Sciences awarded by our esteemed University of Perugia to my dear friend Reid Hoffman, a genius in AI. The guiding principle of our work on Humanistic Artificial Intelligence has been and will continue to be the pursuit of a serene and hopeful attitude towards a technology that, I am certain, will bring benefits to all humanity. Our website does away with the constraints of pages and places the human being front and centre, free to discover its content. The innovative Solomei AI platform, which seeks to visually and instantly represent what one is searching for, is the fine fruit of a plant that has its roots in ancient wisdom. My teacher Xenophanes reminds us: ‘Surely the gods did not reveal all things to mortals from the beginning, but over time, those who seek will find what is better.’ I would like our young people, in their time, to confidently seek what is better.

Designer: Brunello Cucinelli