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Roberto Cavalli Fall/Winter 2002-23 Advertising Campaign Fresh, Gorgeous and Eccentric the new Cavalli woman by Fausto Puglisi

Roberto Cavalli Fall/Winter 2002-23 Advertising Campaign Fresh, Gorgeous and Eccentric the new Cavalli woman by Fausto Puglisi illustration 1

Casa / Campagna - 9/6/22

Cavalli unveils the new advertising campaign for autumn winter 2022-23.
The Cavalli woman by Fausto Puglisi dances with ease and freedom among the gardens, caves and rooms of Villa Litta, a residence from the second half of the 16th century full of mosaics, statues, frescoes, fountains, and water features.
In front of the lens of Johnny Dufort, one of the most interesting English photographers on the contemporary international scene, the supermodel Kiki Willelms stages the audacity and pride of the Cavalli woman, a magnetic, aware woman who never seduces to please, but to express herself with confidence and determination.
A woman who dominates the game from above with her multifaceted femininity, embodying the sensual animalier spirit and the explosive dramatic strength of the brand.

Model: Kiki Willems @DNA model management
Photographer & director: Johnny Dufort @DoBeDo Represents
Art Director: Fausto Puglisi @Roberto_Cavalli
Stylist: Sissy Vian @Management Artists
Casting: Barbara Nicoli & Leila Ananna @Management Artists
Hair stylist: Pier Paolo Lai @Julian Watson
Make up artist: Hiromi Ueda @Art+Commerce
DP: Jeremy Valender
Production: Collateral Films
Location: Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta – Lainate (Milano) - Italy

Designer: Roberto Cavalli
Model: Kiki Willems